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Ancient World Religion and Philosophy - Wille

Sacred Texts Anthologies



Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.

This guide from MIchigan State University provides an overview (with book titles) to different Buddhist traditions & their sacred works. The IRC owns some of these. Others are huge multi-volume works. Please see Connie regarding any that you may want to use.

Chinese Legalism

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources


There are many versions of the Christian Bible.  Most are shelved in the 220 area of the library. Please see Connie for assistance if needed.

This guide from Michigan State University discusses some of the versions and gives version titles. IMSA does not own all versions. Please see Connie for any version you may be interested in.


Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.





Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.

This guide from MIchigan State University provides an overview (with book titles) to different Hindu traditions & their sacred works. The IRC owns some of these. Others are huge multi-volume works. Please see Connie regarding any that you may want to use.

The revealed texts constitute the Veda, divided into four sections: the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Atharva Veda.  The Vedas are hymns that are also accompanied in the total Veda by Brahmanas (ritual texts) Aranyakas (“forest” or “wilderness” texts), and Upanishads (philosophical texts).  The Upanishads are also called the Vedanta and come at the end of the total Veda.  Though less studied than later texts, the Veda is the central scripture of Hinduism.

The remembered texts consist of post-Vedic texts.  Among the most important are two epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana; the Bhagavad Gita, a text inserted into the Mahabharata that focuses on the god Krishna; and the Dharamasastras; consisting of the manuals concerning dharma and aphorism on dharma. 


Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.


Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.


Scandinavian Religions


Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.


Note: Some of the anthologies below contain more than just sacred works. Please be careful when selecting from these books.

West African Religions

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources


Miscellaneous Ancient Religions