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Ancient World Religion and Philosophy - Wille

What is the Divine?

When thinking about "The Divine" do not be overly literal and only search for "divine" 

In the religion you are researching, what things have you already learned (or know through personal experience) are considered divine?

  • Gods/Dieties 
  • Nature (trees, animals - generally or a particular species)
  • Texts (names of a sacred work or other text)
  • Iconography
  • Spiritual heads (the Pope, priests, shaman, etc)
  • Many other items not listed here!

Finding References in Sacred Works

  • Most sacred texts do not have subject indexes to them
  • Words we use today are often not the words used in these ancient works. This makes doing a word search in an electronic text unhelpful

The best ways to find references to your interests is to:

  • Google the name of the religion & the concept you are searching. You are likely to find references to these concepts in the sacred work.
    • For example: (Buddhism OR Tripitaka)  AND (divine OR god OR goddess OR dieties)
  • Secondary sources you are using. Pay attention to any references to sacred works and note where the concepts are mentioned.

Finding Sources

Search the IRC Search Box (for articles, books, books to borrow from other libraries) using:

  • religion/mythology you are researching
  • the divine element you have identified