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A guide to DigitalCommons@IMSA and the IMSA Faculty & Staff Expert Gallery

What is the SelectedWorks / Expert Gallery Suite?

The SelectedWorks / Expert Gallery Suite complements DigitalCommons@IMSA and is also administered by bepress. It provides IMSA faculty, staff, and students with a means to collect their biographical information, research, and teaching materials in one place to showcase their scholarly and creative work, communicate with others in the field, and attract research partnerships and funding. While similar to the faculty/staff biographies on department websites, in SelectedWorks your URL is permanent and new scholarship in DigitalCommons can be imported easily into your Author Profile.

Author Profiles provide a place for faculty and staff to:

  • Collect your biographical and bibliographical information
    • Import works currently included in any DigitalCommons
    • Include non-published works and work not in a DigitalCommons - for which you have copyright permission
    • Host a Thesis or Dissertation that was earned while at, or prior to coming to, IMSA
  • Highlight current courses being taught
  • Connect and communicate with others in your field
  • Attract or maintain research partnerships and funding

What are the beneftits of an Author Profile?

SelectedWorks Author Profiles compile your information and scholarship in one place with options to archive or link to your scholarly work other sites. SelectedWorks offers unique features from other profile services, including:


  • Turnkey Service: Let the repository manager begin your SelectedWorks profile by submitting an updated CV/Resume to You can edit your profile at any time.
  • Google Optimized: SelectedWorks profiles are optimized for discovery via Google and Google Scholar.
  • Archiving: Works completed while you are employed at IMSA will be archived in DigitalCommons and featured in our institution and departmental Faculty Publications & Research
  • Google IMSA Branding & Inclusion in Expertise Search Gallery: Enjoy IMSA branding and be included in the institution's Faculty & Staff Author Profiles while you are employed at the school. Take your profile with you if you leave. Transfer your profile to another institution if they use SelectedWorks.
  • Citation Metrics and Altmetrics: Receive citation and usage reports for your scholarly works via PlumX.

Two Options for Creating an Author Profile

Option 1: Email your CV/Resume to and the repository manager will begin building your profile:

NOTE: Securing copyright permission to include the full text of articles published before coming to IMSA is the responsibility of the author.

Unpublished works

    • Any of your works that are unpublished can be included. Permission must be secured from multiple authors/creators.
    • Pre-prints: Most, if not all, publishers allow the pre-print to be archived without an embargo period. This means that you can host your pre-prints in DigitalCommons@IMSA prior to publication.

Published works

    • At this time, only 25% of publishers support open-access allowing an author to include the published PDF version of their article in an institutional repository.
    • Most publishers allow for a version of your work to be included in an open-access institutional repository.
    • Most commonly included versions are Pre-Prints & Post-Prints. The library does not have access to these – they would have to be your own personal files and drafts.

Option 2: Build your own SelectedWorks Profile using this checklist:

Create an Account

    • Go to and click on the Menu link
    • Click Sign Up OR Login, if you already have an account
      • Login will be the same as your DigitalCommons@IMSA account
      • OR create an account using your IMSA email address
    • Complete the form and click Create Account
    • Click the Confirm Account button in the confirmation email

Build your Profile

    • Once logged in, on the Build your SelectedWorks prompt, choose a URL (NOTE: this cannot be revised afterward)
      • Leave the default profile URL
    • Choose several disciplines
    • Enter your institution, organization, position, and position title
    • Check the box next to I agree with the Terms of Service
    • Click Create Profile
    • Upload an image
    • Add Introductory text
    • About section
      • Positions – IMPORTANT: the “Affiliate my profile with this Institution” box must be checked for your current IMSA position
      • Upload your current CV
      • Edit Disciplines (you selected several in the profile creation set-up
      • Include Research Interests – free-text keywords
      • Grant information – current and past
      • Honors and Awards
      • Course information for current classes
      • Education
      • Additional Links
      • Contact Information (the Default information for the Contact button will be your IMSA email address; however, it is hidden)
      • Social Medial links – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google

Add Work – Options

    • Import work directly from DigitalCommons@IMSA or any DigitalCommons
      • Full-text works will display on your profile and be available for download. Usage statistics will be captured in both DigitalCommons@IMSA and your personal author dashboard
    • Add a Link
      • Add a link for a video, multimedia, popular press OR link to a publisher’s page when the full-text of an article can’t be included in the DigitalCommons due to copyright restrictions
    • Add Metadata
      • Include citation information for a work
      • Upload work directly, with copyright permission
    • Manage Categories
      • Categories can be customized
      • The order of the categories can be rearranged
      • To change the category a work is in, you will need to edit the individual work
      • Save and share your profile link

Your profile will remain available at your URL, even if you leave IMSA; however, you will need to change your email address and your profile may no longer be visible in the IMSA Expert Gallery Suite.